The Discussion of Interconnection, Intercommunicate And The Test Method of C3I System C~3I系统互连互通性及测试方法探讨
A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA. 应用LS-DYNA程序,建立分离式钢筋混凝土模型,使用流体&固体耦合方法对表面鼓包运动进行数值计算。
Choosing typical interconnection parameters and equivalent model of MCM, compared the characteristic of each method by analysis of PSPICE simulation. 选取MCM的典型互连参数和互连线的等效模型,使用PSPICE对三种不同的终端匹配方法进行仿真,分析了三种终端匹配方法各自的特点。
WDM optical interconnection is a feasible method overcoming the problem of electronic bottlenecks for parallel computer system, the transmission properties of fiber make high capacity, low latency, low error rate parallel computer interconnection realistic. 光波分复用(WDM)互连接是并行计算机系统克服电子瓶颈的可行方案,光纤传输的特性可使大容量、低时延、低误码率传输的并行计算机互连成为现实。
In order to overcome the weakness of poor accuracy of optical interconnection, an optimization method of binary and bipolar associative model is proposed by using a neural network and a target function based on orthogonal projection algorithm. 针对光互连精度较低的弱点,提出了以正交化算法为目标函数的三值(±1,0)互连权重的神经网络优化方法。
A kind of interconnection method of combing free space optical interconnection with fibers interconnection to transmit the optical signal was presented. 提出了采用自由空间光互连和光纤互连相结合的互连方式,利用自由空间和光纤对光信号进行传输。
The frequency dependent parameters of the interconnection lines are extracted by the full wave method firstly. 首先运用全波方法提取互连线的频变等效电路参数。
To solve calculable problem of IEEE-1394 b network interconnection reliability, based on IEEE-1394b topology, a task based analysis method of system reliability was proposed, a reliability model of IEEE-1394b interconnection system was developed and the system reliability matrix definition was shown. 对于IEEE-1394b互连的可靠性计算问题,从IEEE-1394b的拓扑结构出发,提出了基于任务的系统可靠性分析方法,建立了IEEE-1394b互连系统的可靠性模型,并给出了系统可靠度矩阵的定义。
In the paper, the fast prototyping platform for ARM based embedded system which meets the flexibility and testability by reconfigurable interconnection is discussed. Modularization design method which is very effective and flexible is used to build the fast prototyping platform. 本文首先阐述了嵌入式系统的特点以及可测性、灵活性和模块化的设计方法,接着介绍了ARM核的快速原型化平台的具体实现。
This paper presents a parallel processing system constructed by transputer RISC and its interconnection method. The control, supervision and communication of the system in the XENIX environment are discussed. 本文讨论了用芯片机RISC构成并行处理系统及其互连方式,在此基础上着重讨论了在XENIX环境下实现对系统的控制、管理和通讯等。
In this paper, a novel controller for parallel operation of inverters without control interconnection based on the droop method is presented. In the droop method, the voltage amplitude and phase of each inverter will be decreased when its reactive power and active power increase. 一种基于下垂方法的不需要各单元之间控制连线的新型逆变器并联控制器,其控制算法使每个逆变器输出电压的幅值和相位分别随着其输出功率的无功分量和有功分量的增大而减小。
It is a hot research field to interconnect wireless sensor network ( WSN) with TCP/ IP ( v6) network, and all-IP interconnection method is currently a focus issue under dispute. Whether IPv6 protocol is needed within WSN? 如何实现无线传感器网络(WSN)与TCP/IP(v6)网络的互联是当前的热点研究方向之一,全IP互联方式是当前讨论最为激烈的焦点问题。
This paper introduces the conception of TCP/ IP and NFS. And discusses the interconnection method between microcomputer Netware network and SUN working Station. 本文从介绍TCP/IP和NFS的概念着手,讨论了微机Netware网络与SUN工作站的互联方法。
Based on the structures and principles of distributed computer systems, this paper puts forward a interconnection metwork designing method suitable to C3I systems and its reconstructure tactics. 本文系统地论述了分布式控制系统的概念、原理及构成,研究了各种典型分布式互连网络的性能和适用条件,提出了针对于指挥控制系统的设计思想及重构策略。
Analysis of On-chip Interconnection Lines in High speed IC by the FDTD Method FDTD法分析高速集成电路芯片内互连线
Active power sensitivity calculation of interconnection line with branch synthesis method 支路合成法联络线族有功灵敏度计算
To improve the teaching quality and efficiency, the knowledge interconnection method based on knowledge ontology is introduced into intelligent tutor system ( ITS). 为提高教学质量和效率,将基于知识本体的知识联通方法引入智能教学系统(IntelligentTutorSystem,ITS)。
Their work principle, control method, interconnection method as well as interface with the outside data terminal and with the physiology numeral signal has detailedly been described. 本文详细描述了它们的工作原理、控制方法、相互连接方法以及与外部数据终端和与生理数字信号的接口。
A Network Interconnection Method of ARCNET and ETHERNET Based on Transparent Bridge Algorithm 基于透明网桥算法的ARCNET与ETHERNET网络互连方法
While optimizing the interconnection delay between cells using improved GFDR, We use nonlinear programming method to reduce the cell delays and interconnection delays in critical paths. The result shows that it is an effective method for optimizing layout delay of VLSI. 在用改进的广义力矢量法优化功能单元间连线时延的同时,运用非线性规划的方法进一步优化关键路径上功能单元的时延及连线时延,结果表明,这是一种有效的优化版图时延的方法。
In this paper, fault-diagnosis for a topologically equivalent class of multistage interconnection networks is discussed, and a simple method for fault locating, which imposes little restriction on the fault model, is proposed. 本文首先讨论一类拓扑结构上等效的多级互连网络的故障诊断,提出一种比较简单而对故障模型限制又小的故障定位方法。
A new method for producing the multi-layer ceramic substrate is to use CuO slurry as interconnection conductive material. This method can remove the organism thoroughly from the slurry to make the multi-layer ceramic substrate with good performances, easy popularization and batch production. 采用CuO浆料为布线导体材料是制造多层陶瓷基板的新技术,该方法可彻底除去浆料中的有机物,制造性能良好,易于推广和批量生产的多层陶瓷基板。
On the basis of CAN bus and USB bus technical, the reality of CAN-USB bus interconnection technology and implementation method have been studied and A CAN-USB adapter has been designed. 在CAN总线和USB总线技术规范的基础上,研究了CAN-USB总线互连技术及其实现方法,开发了CAN-USB总线适配器。
As the setting principle of interconnection switches in basic multi-section multi-interconnected distribution network that all interconnection switches possess same XL-time limit, the setting method for the XL-time limits of interconnection switches in expanded multi-section multi-interconnected distribution network is also researched. 以各个联络开关具有相同的XL-时限为基本多分段多联络配电网的联络开关XL-时限的整定原则,论述了扩展多分段多联络开关XL-时限的整定方法。
The interconnection of the telemetering seismic networks in North China: an effective method of data sharing 华北地区遥测地震台网联网:数据共享的有效手段
This paper presents a new hierarchical and coordinative control method for reactive power optimization in large-scale interconnected power systems. It combines the interconnection forecast method for hierarchical control in large-scale steady state industrial systems with the incremental linear programming method for reactive power optimization in real time. 将工业大系统稳态控制的关取预测法和实时无功优化的增量型线性规划法相结合,提出了一种新的互联电力系统最优无功控制的分层协调法,并编制了计算机程序。
Application of TG-FTIR Interconnection Method in Analysis of Coal 热重&红外联用方法在煤质分析中的应用
With the typical case study of the Jinhu interconnection partial cable-stayed bridge, this paper introduces the application of the impact matrix method and trial method in the cable force adjustment calculation after construction. 以津沪联络线特大桥为工程背景,介绍了影响矩阵法和试算法在成桥后索力调整计算中的应用。
Since there are a large fraction of the programmable bits are used to configure the interconnection inside FPGA, without an effective SEU-mitigation method, the interconnects of SRAM-based FPGAs is prone to soft error. 由于基于SRAM的FPGA中大部分的配置位用于控制芯片的互连资源结构,如果不使用减缓单粒子翻转的措施,则FPGA互连资源容易发生软错误。
The standard differential evolution ( DE) method is modified to calculate the optimal results. The procedure for optimizing the parameters in ACA interconnection is proposed based on the agent model and modified DE method. 根据计算机实验与ACA互连的特点,对标准差分进化算法(differentialevolution,DE)进行了改进,提出了基于代理模型的DE优化方法流程。